Décisions, décisions

Point De Vue

Habituellement, quand un grand événement sportif approche, vous avez une idée de celui que vous encouragerez. Vous avez votre équipe favorite, ou joueur favori, et vous les supportez jusqu’à la fin. Même quand c’est futile, comme avec les ‘Maple Leafs’ de Toronto.

Heure De Départ avec Dan Gall

Heure De Départ

La World Trotting Conference s’est récemment tenue à Stockholm, en Suède. La conférence a connu une bonne assistance de la part des associations de chevaux standardbred venues du monde entier, et le pays hôte a fait un travail remarquable pour attirer des conférenciers aux présentations informatives et orientées vers l’avenir sur les enjeux auxquels notre industrie fait face.

Decisions, decisions…

The View

Usually as a big sporting event approaches you have some idea who you’re going to be cheering for. You have your favourite team, or player, and you support them until the end. Even when it’s all futile, like with the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Post Time with Dan Gall

Post Time

The World Trotting Conference was recently held in Stockholm, Sweden. The conference was well attended by standardbred horse associations from around the world and the host country did an excellent job in attracting informative and future-thinking speakers to address our industry issues.


The White Birch ‘Family Tree’

Captain Victorious

White Birch Farm was the breeder, and part-owner, of 2013 Cup winner Captaintreacherous, but farm owner Michael Parisi and farm manager Steve Williams both tragically lost their lives before they could see four colts from ‘The Captain’s’ first crop compete in the 2019 version of Canada’s richest harness race.


Family Ties

Tyga Hanover

Tom Rankin is well-known in racing – especially when it comes to trotters. But his son Glen knows a bit about horses too – much of it learned while he was fighting an illness. And it was Glen that picked out the pacer that has the Rankin family quite excited for 2019.


Family First: Both Human & Equine

Hurrikane Emperor

John McDermott trains Hurrikane Emperor. He also trained the sire, the dam & the sister. His kids help paddock and train, and his wife is the rock that holds it all together. Family means a lot to the team behind this Cup finalist.


“Murph” Murphy: A tough Canadian boy

De Los Cielos Deo

On December 30, 2018, Shannon ‘Murph’ Murphy and his friends went to a NY Giants home game vs. the Dallas Cowboys. The Giants lost the game by a point, and Murph almost lost his life after taking a 30 foot fall.


A Man Who Loves A Good Show

Best In Show

Richard and Joanne Young were about to get out of the racing game in 2008 - then they decided to buy just one more horse.


Caretaker of the stars

Stag Party

Tyler Schlatman didn’t grow up in a racing family, but he did watch the races at Hanover Raceway. Now, Tyler is the caretaker of the 2018 Horse of the Year & a Metro Stakes winner who is looking to carry his winning ways over from age two to three.