Je pense qu’elle est là, quelque part

Point De Vue

A l’approche de la Breeders Crown à Woodbine Mohawk Park le mois dernier, certains médias faisaient toute une histoire sur la question des femmes entraîneuses qui allaient donner tout ce qu’elles pouvaient pour gagner un titre ‘Crown’ cette année. Mais ce n’était pas une nouvelle pour moi.

I think she’s out there somewhere

The View

In the lead-up to the Breeders Crown at Woodbine Mohawk Park last month, some in the media were making a pretty big deal about all the female trainers that were in with a big shot to win a Crown title this year. But that wasn’t news to me.


Parlez Vous Francais?

Ron Burke & Yannick Gingras

Trainer Ron Burke and driver Yannick Gingras have been dominant forces, to say the least, on the North American racing scene for more than the past decade.


The Miracle Preacher

Shotgun Preacher

When Shotgun Preacher was just a weanling, a kick from a mate left him with a severely damaged shoulder. It looked like he would need to be euthanized.


‘The Captain’ et son équipe

Trot Feature - Doug Brown

Il a gagné 200 courses et peut-être plus en 21 années consécutives (1979-1999), des bourses d’une valeur de plus de 1 M $ en 25 saisons de suite (1980-2004).


'The Captain' And His Crew

Trot Feature - Doug Brown

For most of the 80’s and 90’s, and through the turn of the century, Doug Brown sat at, or near the top of the heap, of all Canadian drivers.