October 2024

A Kiwi Living The American Dream

Chris Ryder

Soon to be inducted into the U.S. Racing Hall of Fame, the name Chris Ryder is obviously a well-known one in our sport. Having developed and trained a plethora of star horses, including this year’s current front-runner for Horse of the Year honours in the U.S. - Twin B Joe Fresh - the Kiwi isn’t exactly new to the racing scene. But what do you know about him other than the names of the horses he’s trained? Did you know that he worked as a licensed beautician for seven years before making a go of it with Standardbreds?


Two Days In O-HI-O

The Jug

On September 18th and 19th, TROT’s Dan Fisher and John Rallis, along with a few of their contemporaries, attended two of North America’s most highly attended races: the Jugette and Little Brown Jug in Delaware, Ohio. Here, Fisher recaps the story of their trip, and as eventful as it was at times, in the end, it was truly the people involved in our game that made it a very memorable two days in O-HI-O. By Dan Fisher.


Is the goal not to entertain?

The View

Thin-skinned horses can be tough to work with because they’re more sensitive to irritation and inflammation than others.

Just rub an otherwise non-evasive liniment onto their legs, or allow some fairly mundane ointment to get into their heels, and be prepared to arrive at the barn the next morning to legs that look like stovepipes.

Thin-skinned people however, are much worse in my opinion, and in-general, as an industry, we’re terrible in this regard.


Le but n’est-il pas de divertir ?

Point De Vue

Les chevaux à la peau fine peuvent être difficiles à travailler car ils sont plus sensibles aux irritations et aux inflammations que les autres.

Frottez simplement un quelconque liniment inoffensif sur leurs pattes, ou laissez un onguent bien ordinaire pénétrer dans leurs talons, et préparez-vous à arriver à l’écurie le lendemain matin avec des pattes qui ressemblent à des tuyaux de poêle.

Cependant, les personnes à la peau fine sont bien pires à mon avis, et en général, en tant qu’industrie, nous sommes terribles à cet égard.