Post Time with Dan Gall

Post Time

This month I would like to give a couple of quick updates as we move into a very busy racing season.

Rien à cacher

Point De Vue

Nul n’est besoin de revoir les chiffres ou les détails, mais qu’il suffise de dire que le grand nombre de thoroughbreds qui sont morts à Santa Anita au cours de l’hiver dernier, est tragique, c’est le moins qu’on puisse dire.

Nothing To Hide

The View

I don’t need to go over the specific numbers or details, but suffice it to say that the number of thoroughbreds that have broken down at Santa Anita


Recovery Harness Could Prove To Be A Game-Changer

Horse Health

When a horse suffers a severe injury to a limb, the prognosis usually looks bleak, often due to the fear of supporting limb laminitis. Now, a new, full-body harness, is being developed