'Indian Outlaw'

Trot Feature - Tyler Redwood

An Indigenous Canadian who was born in Saskatchewan and is registered to the Cowessess Reserve there, Tyler Redwood has known that Standardbreds were his true calling since the age of eight.

Move Over Lebron

The View

I recently had a very uplifting experience when watching a horse I own part of race at Mohawk, and it wasn’t because of the horse’s performance.

J’aimerais que vous connaissiez son nom

Point De Vue

Il y a quinze ans, soit quelques mois après que j’aie débuté mon emploi ici au TROT, notre Service des Communications embauchait également un nouveau Rédacteur de nouvelles pour le site Web.

I’d like you to know his name

The View

Fifteen years ago, just a few months after I took my job here at TROT, our Communications Department also hired a new Website News Editor.

The Greek: La passion personnifiée

Trot Feature: Charalambos Christoforou

Si vous demandiez à Google ce que signifie une personne passionnée, vous liriez « qu’une personne passionnée