A la santé de nos éleveurs !
Je déteste vraiment que (and) les gens se disputent pour savoir qui est le plus important pour notre entreprise.
« Sans propriétaires, il n’y aurait pas d’acheteur pour les chevaux.» VRAI !
« Sans éleveurs, il n’y aurait pas de chevaux à acheter. » VRAI !
« Sans entraîneurs ni palefreniers, il n’y aurait pas de produit. » VRAI !
Here's To Our Breeders!
I really hate when people argue about who is more important to our business.
What's In A Name?
There’s been a great concern in the Standardbred game for some time now that too many of what should be our next generation of participants are choosing not to follow in their family footsteps but finding other careers instead.
Warrawee Farm's Dr. Mike Wilson - A Truly Fascinating Man
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit North America in the winter of 2020, O’Brien Award winning breeder Dr. Michael Wilson of Warrawee Farm and his wife Julie became stranded in New Zealand - they’re still there today.