Agony & Ecstasy

Abuckabett Hanover

The horse racing business will give its participants many highs and lows, and the ‘agony and ecstasy’ that Pat Walker told him about many years ago, rings true for Tony Alagna more than ever these days

Jack & John

Bulldog Hanover

Jack Darling and John Mallia have worked together for 14 years, and although their opinions may differ on certain topics one thing is sure.

Divine Calling

Perfect Sting

Hall of famer Joe Holloway has had lots of success in Canada over the years, and was back in search of more with his 2020 two-year-old champion.

Deux minutes à Vegas

Trot Feature - Desperate Man

Peut-être que le titre approprié de cette histoire devrait être « Le cheval de toute une vie » ou « La Chevauchée de l’équipe Cecchin »,

Two Minutes In Vegas

Trot Feature - Desperate Man

One of Kathy and John Cecchin’s first dates took place in the backstretch kitchen at Mohawk - it was love at first sight.

Son nom dit tout.

Point De Vue

SO MUCH MORE de coeur.

SO MUCH MORE de désir.

SO MUCH MORE de cran.

SO MUCH MORE de détermination.

Je pourrais dresser une liste des.nombreux autres attributs démontrés au cours des quelques dernières années par la poulinière ambleuse âgée, gagnante de l’O’Brien Award, So Much More, mais je pense que vous m’avez compris.