Circuit Régional Review Scheduled November 07, 2011 The 2011 season of the Circuit régional des courses de chevaux du Québec (CRCCQ) is now a thing of the past and the Board of CRCCQ has agreed to hold a seminar to analyze what improvements could be ma...
Super Saturday For Reve Avec Moi July 31, 2011 Ecurie Reve Avec Moi had a productive Saturday at more than one North American racetrack
Quebec Racing Broadcasts Online June 19, 2011 The Quebec Jockey Club has announced that live harness racing at Hippodrome de Quebec will be broadcast on the Internet and therefore, fans will be able to wager on these races
Record Day At Bedford June 12, 2011 Multiple track records were set at the Bedford fairgrounds on Saturday as Quebec’s regional racing circuit kicked off its 2011 season
Trudel: Reinstating Betting Parlours Is Crucial April 01, 2011 Building a racetrack in the greater Montreal area by 2015 remains a primary goal of the Quebec Jockey Club, general manager Vincent Trudel says
Quebec Season Scaled Back December 22, 2010 The Quebec Jockey Club has abandoned plans to present 50 cards of live racing in Quebec City next year after determining it would not be feasible financially
A New Track For Montreal? October 29, 2010 "Our vision, if you will - we have adopted a five-year strategic plan - is to have 50 races in the Montreal area at our prime track
Purse Hike For Hippodrome de Quebec August 06, 2010 The 10-day race meet at Hippodrome de Quebec in Quebec City doesn't begin for another month but already purses are being hiked
Racing Returns To Bedford Sunday July 23, 2010 The Regional Circuit of Horse Racing of Quebec (CRCCQ) is proud to announce the return of harness racing to the Bedford fairgrounds on Sunday, July 25
Racing Returns To Ayer's Cliff July 17, 2010 Quebec's regional harness racing circuit will present its third program of the summer Sunday afternoon in the Eastern Townships community of Ayer's Cliff
Calling All Owners In Quebec June 07, 2010 Having no clear idea how many racehorses remain in Quebec following the collapse of racetrack operator Attractions Hippiques, the Quebec Jockey Club has put out a
Randy Zane Says Goodbye May 24, 2010 For the first time in more than 30 years, Randy Zane has zero horses