New Executive Director Announced In BC March 17, 2015 Officials with Harness Racing British Columbia recently announced the organization’s new executive director.
Trainer Fears For Future February 24, 2015 Allan Jones has campaigned one of the Maritimes' top performers over the last three seasons, but even that success can't keep him from wondering what the future holds for harness racing in his home pr...
Fraser Race Gets Sponsorship February 12, 2015 Harness Racing B.C. announced today that Fraser Downs will host its first community business-sponsored race on Sunday, February 22.
B.C. Gets Paskaruk To O’Briens January 16, 2015 Thanks to horsepeople, Harness Racing BC, and the organization’s outgoing executive director, Jackson Wittup, O’Brien Award finalist Cherie Paskaruk will be at the awards gala in Mississauga, Ont. on ...
Horsemen Raise $8,400 For Charity January 15, 2015 On January 9, Jackson Wittup, representative of Harness Racing BC, and John Yip, Assistant General Manager at Fraser Downs Racetrack and Casino presented the Surrey Food Bank with a $8,400 donation.
Wittup To Century Downs January 09, 2015 Harness Racing BC Executive Director Jackson Wittup has announced that he will be leaving his post, as he has accepted the position of racing secretary at the new Century Downs racetrack in Balzac, Al...
Christmas Spirit In BC December 05, 2014 Christmas is less than three weeks away, and one horseman in particular has already got into the Christmas spirit.
Wittup Comments On Mixed Sale November 26, 2014 Harness Racing British Columbia Executive Director Jackson Wittup has commented on the recent mixed sale which took place this past weekend at the Fraser Downs paddock.
Harness Racing A Hit In Osoyoos August 18, 2014 The first ever racing card featuring quarter-horse, thoroughbred and harness racing at Desert Park in Osoyoos, B.C. drew thousands of people to the interior B.C. oval.
A Racing First For Canada? August 11, 2014 With less race dates in 2014, the horse racing industry in British Columbia has decided to look outside the box by looking to the inside, or more specifically, the interior.
GCGC/HRBC Raise $30K In Fire Relief June 20, 2014 In the aftermath of the massive barn fire in Langley, B.C that resulted in the loss of 17 Standardbreds, the horse racing community banded together Tuesday night and raised $30,000 in support of the i...
Strong Response To Langley Fundraising June 19, 2014 Harness Racing BC Executive Director Jackson Wittup has said that the response to fundraising efforts for the families of the recent fire in Langley have been “overwhelming.”