Hambletonian Society 2021 Stakes Info January 27, 2021 The Hambletonian Society advises horsepeople that payment and staking forms are available for the 147 stakes and early closing races they will administer in the 2021 racing season.
Hambletonian Society Pens Open Letter November 06, 2020 On Friday (Nov. 6) the Hambletonian Society issued an open letter on the recently-concluded Breeders Crown championships at Harrah's Hoosier Park.
Hambletonian Society Statement On HISA September 29, 2020 On Tuesday, September 29, the Hambletonian Society issued a statement in regard to the Horse Racing Integrity and Safety Act, which has been making quite a bit of news in the industry south of the bor...
Races For Hambo Eligibles Sponsored June 18, 2020 In the wake of the stakes scheduling havoc wreaked by the COVID-19 shutdown in the sport, the road to the 2020 Hambletonian has turned into more of a 'guideline.'
Meadowlands And Hambletonian Society Issue Policy On Indicted Trainers June 16, 2020 The Meadowlands Racetrack and Hambletonian Society have announced a joint policy addressing the March indictments and arrests resulting from the current FBI investigation into illegal drug use.
Hambo Society's May 15 Payment Reminder May 07, 2020 The Hambletonian Society has released May 15 payment information for stakes races that it administers.
Hambletonian Society Stakes Updates April 23, 2020 The Hambletonian Society has communicated a brief update on some Hambletonian Society-serviced event payments for 2020.
Multiple Important April 15 Stakes Payments Still Due March 26, 2020 After careful and extensive consideration, the Hambletonian Society, in conjunction with the Meadowlands, the Red Mile, Little Brown Jug Society and other industry clients, partners and stakeholders, ...
More Reaction To Indictments March 23, 2020 Reactions and feedback pertaining to the recent federal indictments in the United States continues to be received, as the Hambletonian Society and the Standardbred Breeders of Ontario Association are ...
Will Stakes Races Be Rescheduled? March 18, 2020 With the announcement of the unprecedented changes to Thoroughbred racing's Triple Crown in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the question looms if something similar is planned for harness racing's m...
Hambo Society Processing Payments March 17, 2020 Officials with the Hambletonian Society have provided an update in regard to operations and contingency plans in light of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic.
Hambletonian Society Stakes Reminder March 07, 2020 The Hambletonian Society has issued a reminder for the races it administers with payments due on March 15, 2020.