Faire le bon choix

SC News (French)

Voici l’édition Stallion du TROT (Étalon), laquelle met en lumière les nombreux bons choix parmi lesq uels nos éleveurs auront à sélectionner cette combinaison parfaite pour leurs juments poulinières. Certes, il y a plusieurs facteurs dans cette décision et dont il faut tenir compte, soit les pedigrees, performances de course, géographie, conformation et prix.

Parier sur le monde

Point De Vue

À la fin de l’année 2014, Yonkers Raceway a tenté une expérience. La piste basée à New York, a décidé de présenter des programmes de course attirants pour les auditoires européens.

Betting on the world

The View

Late last year, Yonkers Raceway began an experiment. The New York based track decided to produce racecards that would appeal to a European audience. Through a partnership with the track, the horsemen and the French PMU (Pari-Mutuel Urbain), Yonkers embarked on a bold initiative of simulcasting into Europe on a weekly basis.



Stallion Stats

Trot takes its annual look at the top sires in Canada and North America.



Dreams Matter

Every day, Susan Karrel has the privilege of being reminded that dreams do matter. As President of the Nova Scotia Driving Society and owner of a horse who bears an inspirational name, she knows what it means to be living a dream.

Story by Melissa Keith



Track Announcers Trademark Calls

There are plenty of accurate race calls every day, throughout North America. Then there are the kind of race calls that communicate much more than the action of horses and drivers on the track — they communicate, and generate, emotion. Trot asks some of the continent’s top race announcers to reveal the motivation behind their signature calls.

Story by Melissa Keith



John Bax

Trainer John Bax has been to the top of Canadian harness racing. He has enjoyed the thrills of victory and experienced some difficult seasons. Today, his faith in Ontario’s racing program, and a passion for training trotters, has him back on a remarkable high. Story by Perry Lefko


Sa relever après une tragédie

Trot Feature - Elisabeth Carrier

NOUS SOMMES LE 22 AOÛT 2008. Élisabeth Carrier et son conjoint à l’époque, Mario Viens, se trouvaient sur leur ferme de 55 acres sise au sud de Québec, dans le village de Saint-Jean-Chrysostome, quand le malheur a frappé.
Par Paul Delean / Traduction Louise Rioux

Photos: Ann MacNeill (Sees The Moment Photography)


Coming Back From Tragedy

Trot Feature - Elisabeth Carrier

In 2008, disaster struck for Elisabeth Carrier. A fire destroyed the farm she shared at the time with Mario Viens, and took the lives of her beloved horses. The road back has been long and winding, but today Carrier is dreaming as big as she ever has.

Story by Paul Delean

Photos by Ann MacNeill (Sees The Moment Photography)