Ainsi, Dieu créa un cheval de course

Point De Vue

Et le huitième jour, Dieu examina le paradis qu’il avait planifié, et se dit, « j’ai besoin d’un héros. » Ainsi, Dieu créa un cheval de course.

Dieu dit, « j’ai besoin de quelqu’un au cœur tellement gros et au corps tellement fort qu’elle puisse inspirer les enfants par ses yeux, les adultes par sa force, et tous les autres par sa beauté à en couper le souffle. »

So God Made a Racehorse

The View

And on the 8th day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, “I need a hero.” So God made a racehorse.

God said, “I need somebody with a heart so big and a body so strong that she can inspire children through her eyes, adults with her strength, and everybody else by her breathtaking beauty.” So God made a racehorse.


What Were You Doing in 1974

I Love Canadian Horse Racing Fan Club Contest

As part of TROT’s celebration of 40 years in print, the I Love Canadian Harness Racing Fan Club launched a contest asking racing fans and participants what they were doing in 1974. Here are their stories.


The Night The OSS Took Flight

OSS 1974

On a mostly cloudy day in 1974, three men, two future Hall of Famers and a future star of the announcing booth, participate in the start of a program that would forever change harness racing in Ontario.

Story by Keith McCalmont


How Things Have Changed

Garnet Barnsdale

Garnet Barnsdale takes us through the sights, sounds and energy of 40 years as a fan of harness racing.

One Tough Warrior


Abundant in wins during the twilight of his racing career; abundant in crosses to 1974’s top stallion.

By Melissa Keith