Walk The Plank

Sometimes patience is a virtue. Sometimes it’s a hindrance. Ron Cassidy lives on the fine line between the two. But one horse named Walk The Plank seems determined to reward his faith and perseverance. Story by Chris Lomon


En tête avec sa gauche

Trot Feature - John MacMillan

Malgré une grave blessure qu’il s’est infligé au bras lors d’un récent accident à l’entraînement, John MacMillan n’a nullement ralenti sa routine. Il la continue. Par Norm Borg / Traduction Louise Roux



Trot Feature - John MacMillan

Despite suffering a severe arm injury in a recent training accident, John MacMillan hasn’t slowed down his routine. He continues to keep swinging. Story by Norm Borg

Raconter notre histoire

SC News (French)

En préparant ce 40e anniversaire de l’édition de Trot, le site Web de SC invitait nos membres et lecteurs à partager leurs meilleurs souvenirs. Au cours des ans, Trot a toujours été là pour raconter l’histoire de gens extraordinaires, de chevaux, de courses et endroits au sein de notre industrie.

Telling Our Story

SC News

In the lead up to this 40th Anniversary edition of TROT our SC website has been asking our members and readers to share their favourite memories. Throughout the years, TROT Magazine has been there telling our story of the special people, horses, races, and places within our industry.