Il n’y a pas de mauvaises réponses. Il n’y a que le silence.

Point De Vue

Fort possiblement, ce qui irrite le plus les parieurs aux courses de chevaux, c’est la pensée que le conducteur du cheval sur lequel ils ont misé, aurait pu faire mieux. De fait, se plaindre d’une mauvaise conduite est le point central, en grande partie, du langage coloré qui est la source du bruit ambiant dans les salons de pari et les hippodromes.


On The Record

Drivers Roundtable

A horseplayer may watch replays, study the program, and learn the tendencies of many of the horses, but wouldn’t it be wonderful to know what the driver is thinking? TROT asked five of Canada’s leading reinsmen to join in on a roundtable discussion aimed at helping today’s handicapper. Story by Trot Staff


On The Road With The World Driving Championship


The recently concluded World Driving Championship saw participants drive in 20 races at five different tracks, all around Australia. We were along for the ride. Find out what it was like to be on the road ‘Downunder’ with an international cast of driving stars. By Kathy Wade Vlaar


Trot Magazine 2015 Fantasy Stable

Fantasy Stable

TROT’s highly successful Fantasy Stable contest is back for another run in 2015. This time we’ve added a few little tweaks to make it even better than before. The Fantasy Stable contest will also be posted online. Check back to the website in late April for an online entry form.


Tricks, Traps and Tips

Handicapping Columns

We’ve asked four expert handicappers to pass along their thoughts to keep you happy at the racetrack, and winning at the windows.

Qui a raison?

Trot Feature: Handicapping Secrets

Quiconque ayant pris place dans la grande tribune ou un salon de paris pour y passer une soirée de courses, sait que chacun a sa propre théorie. Certains passent la plus grande partie de la soirée à célébrer leurs connaissances en handicaping tandis que d’autres déplorent leurs coups ratés de justesse. Les clients des courses de chevaux sont à coup sûr des phénomènes!


Who's Right?

Trot Feature: Handicapping Secrets

Anybody who has sat in the grandstand or a teletheatre for an evening at the races, knows that everybody has a different theory. Some spend much of the night celebrating their handicapping knowledge while others lament their near misses. Horse racing’s customers are definitely characters!