Shoot For The Stars

SC News

In this month’s edition of TROT we recognize the 2015 Hall of Fame Class, all those wonderful individuals, equine and human, who have been identified by their peers as worthy of induction into our hall of honour. Congratulations to all those being inducted, and also to those who were nominated.

L’effet « WOW »

Point De Vue

Il est vingt heures et je suis dans une salle de réception du centre-ville de Toronto. Ce n’est pas un événement relié aux chevaux, et après une longue journée, mon attention décline.

J’entreprends une conversation avec mon voisin, et ce dernier me demande ce que je fais. « Je suis dans le domaine des courses de chevaux, » lui répondis-je.

The Wow Factor

The View

It’s 8 o’clock at night and I’m in a banquet hall in downtown Toronto. This is a non-horse event, and after a long day, my attention is waning.

I begin some small talk with the gentleman seated beside me, when he asks what I do. “I’m in the horse racing business,” I say.

As is almost always the case, he excitedly says, “REALLY???”


A True Friend of Horse Racing

Harry Eisen

As a sports writer and generous supporter of important causes, Harry Eisen will long be celebrated. As a lifelong and devoted horse racing enthusiast, his legendary status will live on at racetracks and on backstretches across the country. By Kathy Rumleski


Tough As Iron

J Cs Nathalie

As the mother of some of North America’s best pacers, J Cs Nathalie is a dream. But, to those who know her, she is as tough as they come. By Chris Lomon


A Living Legacy

Charles Armstrong

Trying to choose a single greatest moment in the remarkable career of standardbred builder, Charles Armstrong, is a difficult task. But we look back at the many joys in his life, and the horses he loved. By Keith McCalmont




Harness racing historian, Dean Hoffman, takes us to the rail to experience the great Artsplace, and one of his many racing triumphs. By Dean Hoffman


The Race of His Life

Trot Feature: Bill Gale

It’s been almost 30 years since Bill Gale boarded a flight en route to the 1986 Breeders Crown to drive Sunset Warrior. We relive the unforgettable moment in time with the new Hall of Famer. By Perry Lefko

Atteindre nos plus hautes aspirations

SC News (French)

Dans ce numéro du Trot, nous saluons la Classe de 2015 du Temple de la renommée, tous ces merveilleux individus, humains et équins, ayant été reconnus par leurs pairs comme étant dignes d’intronisation au Hall d’honneur. Félicitations à tous les intronisés et les nominés.