
A Cup Tale

Trot Feature: Joey Roberts

Sometimes a moment in life touches you. Sometimes it happens years after the fact through tears and sadness. Mike Stoikopoulos shares a North America Cup moment in time that he spent with a very special person - Joey Roberts.

20 July 2024
We Are All Marketers!

The big question for horse racing in recent years has been “what’s next?” Committees have been created, promises have been made,

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À la recherche de leadership

SC News (French)

Regarder derrière peut parfois vous donner une meilleure perspective en ce qui concerne les meilleures avancées. Par exemple, je me souviens, il y a quelque quinze ans, je discutais avec un ami qui administrait une compagnie de consultants, et qui travaillait sur un rapport sur les courses de chevaux.

Looking For Leadership

SC News

Sometimes looking back can give you the best perspective on the best steps to take forward. For example, I recall about fifteen years ago I was speaking with a friend of mine who ran a consulting business, and who was working on a report on harness racing.

Se démarquer

Point De Vue

Dirigez-vous vers le réfrigérateur de breuvages de votre magasin local du coin. Comme vous vous tenez devant, je me doute bien que les breuvages sont tous alignés, à l’attention, pour vous inciter à les choisir.


An All-Canadian Tale

Good Friday Three

Locally bred, owned and trained, the story of Good Friday Three is one that Canadians should be proud of. And win, lose or draw, his connections are enjoying the ride. By Keith McCalmont


The Home Team

Penji Hanover

Although the son of Art Major may have only had three lifetime starts on Canadian soil leading up to the Cup final, his caretaker, trainer and driver were the only local trio of their kind in this year’s race... and that made ‘Team Penji’ the home team. By Dan Fisher