
Hands On and In Charge

Jason Settlemoir

As the man responsible for running The Meadowlands Racetrack, as well as operations at both Tioga Downs and Vernon Downs, Jason Settlemoir has a lot on his plate. Working for outspoken track owner, Jeff Gural, Settlemoir also is no stranger to controversy. TROT recently sat down with Settlemoir for a candid one-on-one interview. Story by Debbie Little


Dévouement, travail acharné, et un brin de magie

Trot Feature - Stephane Larocque

Fils d’une légende de la Ligue Nationale de Hockey, Stéphane Larocque sait reconnaître la grandeur quand il la voit. Comme entraîner de standardbred, il est témoin de grandeur dans sa propre écurie. By Chris Lomon / Traduction Louise Rioux


Dedication, Hard Work, and A Little Bit of Magic

Trot Feature - Stephane Larocque

As the son of a National Hockey League legend, Stephane Larocque can recognize greatness when he sees it. As a standardbred trainer, he is witnessing greatness in his own barn. By Chris Lomon

20 July 2024
Bolstering investment with fractional ownership

There are many problems with our industry as we all know.

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In Elite Company

Trot Feature - Sylvain Filion

Sylvain Filion may have one of the most prominent last names in Canadian harness racing, but his successes, both on and off the track, have certainly been earned. By Paul Delean

20 July 2024
Mayotte: On Classy Lane Barn Fire

Horse people are horse lovers. We care for and work with these beautiful animals seven days a week. They are always on our minds.

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20 July 2024
Gallucci: January 4, 2016, 11 p.m.

When I saw the smoke pouring out of very crack from the West end of Barn 1 at Classy Lane, I knew something horrific was occurring right before my

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