Third Thursday TrackIT Trivia - #4

How would you like to win a free one month subscription to TrackIT? Here's your chance!

On the third Thursday of each month, we’ll post a link to a trivia question on Standardbred Canada’s Facebook page and on the Standardbred Canada twitter account. There will be a link to a web page (like this one) on where you can enter the contest. (Only one entry/guess per person. You must be 18 years of age and over to participate.)

We encourage you not to spoil the contest (or your chances of winning) by sharing your answer on Facebook or Twitter.

The person with the winning answer will receive 500 free credits of TrackIT, good for one month. If there is more than one person with the correct answer, we’ll have a random draw for the winner!

This month's question: Who did Willie Win take to the track in the 2016 Bring A Friend promotional video?

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