Colville : Vers une approche unifiée

SC's New Chair (French)

Lorsque Joanne Colville a récemment été élue au poste de présidente du conseil d’administration de Standardbred Canada, elle était, sans surprise, d’humeur à célébrer. Mais, sa première réaction ne fut pas de sabrer une bouteille de champagne. C’était plutôt de se mettre au travail.

Colville: Taking a unified approach

SC's New Chair

When Joanne Colville was recently elected as Chair of the Board for Standardbred Canada, she was, not surprisingly, in a celebratory mood. But, her initial reaction wasn’t to crack open a bottle of champagne. Instead, it was all about getting down to work.

Le parieur hippique et le cheval

Point De Vue

L’an dernier, Trot Magazine a effectué un sondage auprès de plus de 300 parieurs, leur demandant ce qui, à leurs yeux, était le plus important. À notre grand étonnement, nous avons reçu un large éventail de réponses mettant l’accent sur plusieurs des secteurs auxquels on pouvait s’attendre.

The horseplayer and the horse

The View

Last year, TROT Magazine conducted a survey of more than 300 horseplayers asking what was important to them. We received a wide range of answers that stressed many of the areas one would expect.


Betting For A Cause

Handicapping Competition

It is the ultimate challenge for any handicapper to prove that he or she is the best. But in one particular handicapping competition, the Horseplayers Association of North America annual Grand Circuit Challenge, the financial reward is being used for a greater good. Story by Perry Lefko


The Whole Story: Handicapping Today's Half-Mile Tracks

Half-Mile Tracks

There are numerous theories and myths about betting half-mile tracks. TROT has sought help from a wide variety of experts, seeking answers to some common half-mile handicapping mysteries. By Melissa Keith


Unlocking Mohawk's Handicapping Mysteries

Mohawk Handicapping

As the summer approaches, many of North America’s top harness handicappers will turn their attention to Mohawk Racetrack. TROT looks at what you need to know to cash at “The Hawk.” By Garnet Barnsdale