La magie derrière tout champion

Point De Vue

« Cœur. » « Détermination. » « Cran. » « Désir de gagner. »

Voici les mots que nous entendons dans les cercles des vainqueurs partout dans le monde. Qu’est-ce qui différencie l’athlète victorieux des milliers d’autres athlètes bien assortis, entraînés impeccablement et gérés de manière appropriée, qui échouent à être à la hauteur des attentes? La réponse, bien sûr, c’est l’intangible.

The Magic Behind Every Champion

The View

“Heart.” “Determination.” “Guts.” “The will to win.”

These are the words we hear in winner’s circles around the world. But what separates the victorious athlete from thousands of other well-bred, impeccably trained and appropriately managed athletes, who fail to live up to expectations? The answer of course is the intangible.


Son Of The Boss

Manhattan Beach

When breeder Greg Martin purchased Benear - the dam of Manhattan Beach, he thought she was the saddest horse he had ever seen.


From Least To Beast

Beast Mode

England native Christopher Nicol knows what it takes to be successful. With a $5,000 yearling named Beast Mode, he has reason to be optimistic. By Keith McCalmont


Tough Draw, Tougher Horse

Magnum J

Canadian bred, based, owned, trained and driven - the story of Magnum J is a local tale that gives inspiration to every local horse owner. By Melissa Keith


Everyone Has A Story Behind Them

Big Top Hanover

Like every person, each horse has a story. TROT takes us back more than 135 years to discover Big Top Hanover’s 12th dam - Minnie Grimes. By Dan Fisher


The Horse That Brought Them Together

Lyons Snyder

What happens when two of North America’s most prominent owners both have their eye on the same yearling? The answer: Lyons Snyder. By Debbie Little


Team Tetrick-Brand in Progress

Boston Red Rocks

For Tim Tetrick and his wife Ashley, the business of harness racing is much bigger than what happens on the track.


Like Mother, Like Son

Control The Moment

Dominant at two and one of the world’s best at three, Control The Moment is making waves. TROT takes a look back to where it all started - with his mother, Lifesliltreasure. By Darryl Kaplan


One Hill Of A Ride

Racing Hill

Tom Hill loves Canada. The native of Britain has invested significantly in Canadian harness racing, and his high stakes bet is handsomely paying off. By Chris Lomon