KHRC Votes To Change Med. Rules December 12, 2013 On Wednesday, December 12, the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission unanimously voted to change the medication rules for racehorses participating in the state.
‘Instant Racing’ Revenue For NJ Casinos? December 11, 2013 It has been reported that the legislation which would see ‘instant racing’ terminals installed in New Jersey racetracks calls for the wagering to ‘flow through’ Atlantic City casinos, which would then...
Dancer Introduces Tax Exemption Bill December 10, 2013 Legislation introduced in New Jersey by Assemblyman Ron Dancer clarifies that the rental of certain stable stalls is an exemption from tax charges, a measure that is crucial to the viability of the st...
NJ Instant Racing Bill Introduced December 10, 2013 It has been reported that on Monday, December 9, a Senate committee in New Jersey released a bill intended on bringing ‘instant racing’ to the state.
Illinois ADW Extension Not Passed December 03, 2013 Considering it a "death knell for Illinois horsemen," the Illinois Harness Horsemen's Association issued a statement on Tuesday after the state's General Assembly adjourned before passing an extension...
Illinois Bill Passes House Committee December 03, 2013 It has been reported that on Monday, December 2 a House Committee in Illinois approved an agreement that would see the looming crisis in the state’s horse racing industry averted.
Cautious Optimism In Illinois November 26, 2013 Although an agreement is in place that would see the looming crisis in the Illinois horse racing industry averted, the executive director of the state’s harness horsemen’s association is warning membe...
Bill To See USADA Oversee US Racing November 22, 2013 On Thursday, November 21 in Washington, DC, a House Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade held a hearing on the Horse Racing Integrity and Safety Act of 2013, which would improve the integ...
Report: FBI Conducting Racing Probe November 21, 2013 It has been reported that the Federal Bureau of Investigations is conducting a probe into the horse racing industry in one of racing's most prosperous jurisdictions.
Bill To Dissolve PA Racing Commissions November 20, 2013 It has been reported that a pair of Pennsylvania State Senators are co-sponsoring a bill that would see Pennsylvania’s two horse racing commissions dissolved.
Dancer Introduces NJ Track Slots Bills October 22, 2013 Assemblyman Ron Dancer has introduced two measures that would bring slot machine gaming to New Jersey’s horse racetracks with the proceeds being used to benefit both the horse racing and casino indust...
U.S. Double-Decker Bill Submitted August 16, 2013 It has been reported that a bill introduced in the United States could see fines coming to those that transport equine in double-decker vehicles.