Happy New Year (and now back to business)

Inside SCoop

Happy New Year!!!! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and were able to spend it with family and friends. And I hope you are all still on track to keep your New Year's resolutions!

Bye bye Beach


I find it tough to put into perspective.

17 July 2024
Could humane activists shut down racing?

Somewhat overlooked amid all the hoopla surrounding the US presidential election was the fact that voters in Massachusetts went to the polls and ef

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17 July 2024
Should trainers and drivers get the same cut of the purse?

A driver takes the lines of a horse in the paddock before a race, parades it, scores it, and races it.

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17 July 2024
What was the best race of 2008?

In my Holiday issue of The Horseman & Fair World I received a ballot to vote on the "best race of the year." It was an easy decision for me: Me

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17 July 2024
Dewey and what filly?

Undoubtedly Dewey will be voted the tops in his class of three-year-old trotters.

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17 July 2024
12 Days Of Christmas - Day 12

Greetings from the snowy depths of SW Ontario.

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17 July 2024
How does Muscle Hill rank against recent stars?

I don't think there is any doubt that Muscle Hill is the two-year-old trotter of the year.

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