La nuit avant Noël

Point de vue

Blottis bien au chaud dans leurs petits lits,
Des trotteurs dansaient dans la tête des enfants endormis;
Maman et moi, dans nos chemises de nuit,
Venions à peine de souffler la bougie…

Twas the night....


The children were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of trotters danced in their heads;

And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,


Building Saskatchewan

West Meadows

Thanks to an increased handle, a growing race meet and now the potential introduction of a new racetrack, Saskatchewan harness racing is flourishing. With any luck, it will keep up the trend.


Enjoying the Ride

Enjoy The Caviar

It’s perfectly ordinary to have an undefeated streak. It’s perfectly unordinary, on the other hand, to start that streak at five, having never raced, as a gelding with a rock-bottom price tag.


The Prix d'Amerique

The Prix d'Amerique

This January, discover the Prix d’Amerique – the epitome of French trotting. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Held at the Vincennes track just outside Paris, it’s not a race.


The Curious Collector

John Polvinale

Harness racing fan and collector John Polvinale welcomes you into his Pennsylvania home for a sneak preview of what he hopes will one day become a museum-quality exhibit. By Debbie Little


Saving Nancy

Nancy Stephens

Diagnosed nearly three years ago with breast cancer, Nancy Stephens attributes her recovery to a foal. And that foal, now a two-year old colt, continues to prove he’s something special.


The Journeyman

Richard Moreau

For years, Richard Moreau has been on or near the top of the list for most training wins in the ­country. It means a lot of time. And a lot of travel.

26 June 2024
Wow! What a night!

What a night of racing in the Breeders Crowns last night at the Big M.

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