
Moving On Up

Marc St. Louis Jr.

For 20-year-old Marc St. Louis Jr., there’s never been a second thought about where he’d end up.

30 June 2024
The People's Horses

Is it possible that the industry’s tendency to criticize the retirement of its stars is rooted in communal care rather than communal condemnation?

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Avec l'automne, viennent les changement

Inside SCoop (français)

Me demande d’écrire ce bulletin mensuel tellement à l’avance que me voici très fébrile, souhaitant avoir beaucoup de réponses! Brent MacGrath a-t-il bien tenu son bout et remporté le Jug?

Changes with the fall

Inside SCoop

I am asked to write this monthly column so far in advance that I am sitting here very excited and wishing for a lot of answers! Did Brent MacGrath stick to his guns and bypass the Jug?


Ontario's Best Kept Secret


Secret Lyle MacArthur's homebred millionaire pacer has been burning up the Open ranks on the Ontario circuit for three years, and he just keeps getting better.