Mandat d'aller de l'avant

Standardbred Canada News - French

Juin est le mois de la fête des Pères et des rejetons de deux ans - Bonne fête des Pères à tous les papas.

A mandate to move forward

Standardbred Canada News

June is the month of Father’s Day (Happy Father’s Day to all Dads) and two-year-olds!

Laisser tomber ou batailler ferme?

Point de vue

Quelques jours avant la tenue du Congrès sur le pari qui s’est tenu à Montréal, nous avons posé une question de sondage pour savoir si vous croyiez qu’un « changement réel » suivrait.

To quit or to fight?

The View

Days before the Standardbred Wagering Conference took place in Montreal, we posted a poll question, asking whether "real change" would occur as a result.


Tom Hill

Tom Hill

It's not often a foreign investor prefers Canadian product to his own, but Tom Hill has staked his interest -- and his money -- in North American standardbreds.

The Big Maybe

The Meadowlands

The Meadowlands Racetrack may be the top track in the sport, but with neighbouring states enjoying good days brought on by either VLTs (video lottery terminals) or slot machines, can the Meadowlands s

Keith Waples

Hall of Fame horseman Keith Waples

No one will ever know how many races Keith Waples won in his career.

Taken For Granted

The View

Born and raised in Toronto, I was always a Maple Leafs fan. Named (although my mother won’t admit it) for a young goal-scorer named Darryl Sittler, I donned the blue and white from day one.

Committees and Awards Date

Standardbred Canada News

Each month I will endeavour to keep you up-to-date with the different SC Committee meetings and other industry meetings that Standardbred Canada management may be involved in.