Season's Greetings Valued Members

SC News

Tis the season for extending warm regards to friends, family and strangers alike. On behalf of the Board of Directors of Standardbred Canada, I would like to wish everyone the best of the season.

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Point De Vue

J’ai d’abord appris la nouvelle sur Twitter.

« Le magazine ‘Canadian Sportsman’ cessera sa publication après son numéro de décembre 2013. Merci pour ces 143 années de merveilleux souvenirs. »


Anvil Raider: As Tough As They Come

Anvil Raider

The rules won’t allow him to race another mile after this year, but don’t tell Anvil Raider N that. The fiery 14-year-old pacer still has plenty left in the tank and plenty of kick left in him.


Al Libfeld: A Tribute to Perseverance

Al Libfeld

He has built his company to be one of Ontario’s largest home builders. He has owned many of the best horses ever to race. We go one-on-one with Al Libfeld.


Casimirbadmoonrisn: Coastal Revival


After 320 career starts, all in Ontario, and earnings approaching $500,000, the Downey family decided to send their classy, 14-year-old gelding, Casimirbadmoonrisn, to the Maritimes for a bit of a retirement tour. And now, after hitting the board in 12 of 16 starts on the Coast, he’s back home in Ontario where he’s enjoying the start of a new career.


Pierre Charette: droit au centre

Pierre Charette

Sous les projecteurs de la scène nationale le curleur Pierre Charette, n’est certes pas un étranger, ayant connu le succès à l’échelle mondiale en de nombreuses occasions.


Pierre Charette: On The Button

Pierre Charette

As a curler, Pierre Charette is no stranger to the national spotlight, finding world class success on numerous occasions.