20 July 2024
Rick Mowles, JJJ Stables

To all our fellow Horsemen, Horsewomen, Friends and Business Associates;

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Mieux construire au delà de leur savoir-faire

SC News (French)

Le mois d'août en sera un de grande activité partout en Amérique du Nord, de nombreuses épreuves étant présentées depuis l'historique Hambletonian Day à The Meadowlands jusqu'à la Gold Cup and Saucer, Battle of Waterloo, Milstein Memorial, Nassagaweya, Eternal Camnation, et plus encore.

Building It Better Than They Knew How

SC News

The month of August is a busy one across North America, with numerous feature events from the historic Hambletonian Day program at the Meadowlands to the Gold Cup and Saucer, Battle of Waterloo, Milstein Memorial, Nassagaweya, Eternal Camnation, and many, many more. It will be a wonderful month for everyone to come out and experience the thrill of live harness racing.

« X » marque le trot

Point De Vue

Le 19 juillet, une foule avoisinant les 19 000 personnes, assistait à un programme de courses présenté au Canterbury Park, un hippodrome pour thoroughbred à Shakopee, au Minnesota. Shakopee est située à 50 kilomètres à l’ouest de Minneapolis, et compte une population d’environ 37 000 personnes.

X Marks The Trot

The View

On July 19, a crowd just shy of 19,000 attended the races at Canterbury Park, a thoroughbred racetrack in Shakopee, Minnesota. Shakopee, located 50 km west of Minneapolis, has a population of just 37,000,


Roots From The Rock


TROT Magazine contributor Norm Borg found that wherever harness racing takes place, the common denominator is passion. Here he takes a trip to the land of his ancestors and discovers how he so honestly came by his love of harness racing.


Daddy Debut

First Crop Sires

As we do each and every year, we’ve taken the liberty of refreshing your memory by recapping the racing careers and breeding lines of 11 first-crop sires whose progeny will debut this fall at yearling sales across North America. Only time can tell who will come out on top.
Compiled by Trot Staff