This world is going to be ok

The View

At the end of the calendar year I think it’s only natural to step back and take a look, at your life or at the world we live in, and take some stock in what’s going on around you. The sad part about doing that these days is that, in a lot of ways, this world seems to have been careening a little out of control for the past three years.

Bless Me Father

Rail Tales

A fictional Rail Tales feature about a late priest who had been supporting his church and congregation with his profits from racehorse ownership. 

Much More Than John Campbell's Little Brother

Jim Campbell

When your older brother is widely known as one of the greatest drivers to ever sit behind a horse, it’s probably not easy to make a name for yourself in the same sport.

“Loosh” avec un Whoosh

Trot Feature: Lucien Fontaine

À l’apogée des courses attelées à New York, avant que l’OTB ne soit créé et que des foules de 30 000 personnes soient encore monnaie courante à Roosevelt et à Yonkers, l’un des principaux conducteurs de l’époque était le Canadien Lucien « Loosh » Fontaine

'Loosh' With A Whoosh

Trot Feature: Lucien Fontaine

During the heyday of harness racing in New York, when crowds of over 30,000 were commonplace at Roosevelt Raceway, one of the most popular and charismatic drivers on the circuit was Quebec native Lucien ‘Loosh’ Fontaine.