
Joe Stutzman

Trot Feature: Que Sont-Ils Devenus?

Ayant été élevé dans la communauté Amish, Jonas (Joe) Stutzman a côtoyé les chevaux dès son plus jeune âge, et il ne lui a pas fallu longtemps pour réaliser...

Joe Stutzman

Trot Feature: Where Are They Now?

In an issue largely dedicated to the O’Brien Awards, TROT catches up with a former O’Brien Award winning Trainer of the Year and finds out...

22 réflexions à l’aube de la nouvelle année

Point De Vue

Tout d’abord, je voudrais dire que même si je ne l’ai jamais écouté, j’en ai entendu parler, et cette idée est venue en quelque sorte du Podcast de hockey « 32 Thoughts ». ...

22 Thoughts Entering The New Year

The View

First I’d like to say that although I’ve never listened to it, I have heard of it, and this idea did come somewhat from the hockey podcast ‘32 Thoughts’. ...

The Christmas Pony

Rail Tales

A fictional Rail Tales feature about an ill woman who is leaving her money to the horse farm that brought her and her handicapped daughter ...


Ken Middleton

A voice as well known as any in the world of Canadian racing, Ken Middleton had learned over the past number of years that he enjoyed sitting in the jogger ...

A Pair Of 14YOs And Their Loving Owners

14YO Retirees

Not many Standardbreds keep racing into their 14th year - only 98 did just that in North America in 2023 - but for the ones that do, they’ve usually developed quite a bond ...