18 July 2024
Lucky Jim - Muscle Hill match race?

How ‘bout it, racing fans? Wouldn’t you like to see a match race between the two trotters that won in 1:50.1 on Hambo Day at the Big M?

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18 July 2024
Will the real Federal Flex show up on Saturday?

I don’t know if the real Federal Flex will show up in Saturday’s Hambo.

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18 July 2024
The What-Next Soap Opera

Every week has been an adventure with Shadow Play this summer


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18 July 2024
Casual cursing, et al

Last Thursday, I skulked out of the office at 3:30, peeking around each corner as I neared the exit, only to run into the boss in the parking lot.

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Une poussée d’Adrénaline!

Inside SCoop (français)

Je rédige cet article au lendemain de la présentation de la North America Cup et j’en suis encore tout remué – encore que je n’y étais même pas!

Pump up the Adrenaline!

Inside SCoop

I am writing this column the day after the North America Cup and I am still excited -- I wasn’t even there!

Qu’évoque un nom?

Point de vue

Quand il est question de courses de chevaux, je ne me crois pas particulièrement traditionaliste.

What's In A Name

The View

When it comes to harness racing I am generally not much of a traditionalist.