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Inside SCoop (français)

Le mois d’avril est un mois très important pour les propriétaires dans notre industrie. C’est le temps de payer les frais de mise en nomination pour les courses ‘stakes’!

Olympic Fever

Inside SCoop

April is a very important month for the owners in our industry. It’s stake payment time!

The Sheltered Season

To race or not to race?

Racing is full of competing interests, but when it comes to campaigning a superstar three-year-old colt, there are two clear sides to the argument. To race or not to race? That is the question.

Show Me The Money

Handicapping Columns

Learn from talented professional ­handicappers, who dish out their thoughts on everything from considering outside posts to ­questioning the myth of the best bet.


You Wanna Bet?


There's no ­question that wagering on horse racing is decreasing. But not only is the distribution of gambling money shrinking... it's ­simultaneously changing.


The Elephant In The Room

HANA Survey

The most recent survey conducted by the Horseplayers Association of North America highlighted some startling statistics about the needs and wants of what appears to be an aging demographic.