
The Elephant In The Room

HANA Survey

The most recent survey conducted by the Horseplayers Association of North America highlighted some startling statistics about the needs and wants of what appears to be an aging demographic.


Playing the Ponies with ROMP


Sure, winning money is nice. But there's something to be said for the social aspect of betting as well, and Ontario's first handicapping league is doing its best to ­capitalize on that camaraderie.


The Horseman & The Handicapper

Kerry O'Keefe

Thanks to the promising sophomore pacer BP Chimo, Newfoundland native Kerry O'Keefe may appear to be an overnight success. But his luck, it seems, has been decades in the making.

Je suis de retour…

Inside SCoop (français)

J’aimerais débuter cette chronique mensuelle par des remerciements au conseil d’administration pour m’avoir reconduit à la fonction de président de Standardbred Canada pour une autre année.

I have returned...

Inside SCoop

I would like to begin this month’s column by thanking the Board of Directors for re-electing me as Chair of Standardbred Canada for another year.

Faire que les choses arrivent

Point de vue

Si vous suivez les courses de chevaux, tous élevages confondus, vous connaissez probablement les deux sensations thoroughbred de l’heure, Rachel Alexandra et Zenyatta – deux des meilleurs chevaux

Making it happen

The View

If you follow horse racing, of any breed, you are likely familiar with thoroughbred sensations Rachel Alexandra and Zenyatta – two of the best female horses ever to look through a bridle.