What's that, Mr. Bus Driver?

The View

It’s seven o’clock in the evening in Orlando, Florida. A few families jostle for position, bustling luggage by their sides, as an airport shuttle pulls up to the curb.

18 July 2024
Jeff does it again

It’s part of harness racing lore that E. Roland Harriman saved harness racing from extinction in the late 1930s.

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18 July 2024
Can we talk about another golfer other than Tiger Woods?

Yes, I know that the tabloid TV shows have been “All Tiger – All The Time” in the past month or so, but I’d like to talk about a golfer from my hom

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18 July 2024
Shadow Play - Ontario Bound

What a way for all the partners of Shadow Play to start the new year with the announcement that Shadow is heading back to Canada to stand in Ontari

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Grand besoin d'initiatives nationales

Inside SCoop (français)

J’espère que vous avez tous passé un heureux Noёl et que vous êtes encore capable de tenir vos résolutions du Jour de l’An!!!