18 July 2024
Jamieson, The Jockey?

I have a new appreciation for the the jockeys who ride horses by the tens at the flat tracks.

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18 July 2024
Memories Of Mikkeli

Today we headed for Mikkeli, and the scene of a major career highlight, where I was declared the World Driving Champion.

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18 July 2024
Lessons In Marketing and Driving

Thanks to Pekka Tammimnen for the video, please don't show the links for Vermo, as the night wasn't good at all! I am only joking,

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18 July 2024
A Night Of Firsts

OK folks I have good news and news that isn't as good as the good news...

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18 July 2024
Thank You For Spending

I have always loved watching horses and drivers competing to win.

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18 July 2024
You love horses, I love horse trailers

I joined the horse world late in the game, having only stood eye to eye with a horse for the first time when I was 21.

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18 July 2024
Sunday at Turku

I had six drives to start the day with three starting in vault starts and two cold bloods to drive

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18 July 2024
Meeting With Management

I have arrived in Finland and the trip has already produced an awesome moment or maybe couple of hours

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18 July 2024
Not Completely Lost In Translation

While my knowledge of the Swedish language admittedly isn't what it could be, the beauty of video is that i

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