Let’s Start Thinking

Inside SCoop

It’s now September, and the whole game of buying yearlings starts all over again.

Place à l’espoir

Point de vue

Il existe plusieurs raisons d’être sceptique. Abordez les problèmes des courses et pratiquement tout le monde vous en déballera une liste.

Reason For Hope

The View

There are many reasons for skepticism. Ask about the problems in racing and virtually everybody can produce a list. Overpriced, over-supplied, over the hill or over compensated.


Prairie Compass


Making ends meet as an owner, breeder, driver, or ­trainer can be tricky enough. In the centre of our most prairie province, though, it’s an even more formidable task.


Covering Ground

Track Surfaces

There’s arguably nothing more important to your horse’s soundness than the surfaces on which he trains and races.


Island Soul

Matinee Racing

It’s hard to imagine racing for nothing but bragging rights.


Behind Secretariat


Horse lovers of all shapes, sizes, and disciplines will be lining up outside the theatre next month for the opening of Secretariat ­– the story of the greatest racehorse of all time.


Questions Fréquentes (French)

The Racing Development and Sustainability Plan

Pourquoi Standardbred Canada prend-il le leadership de cette initiative?


Racing For Change (Francais)

The Racing Development and Sustainability Plan

Standardbred Canada a récemment annoncé l’élaboration d’un plan d’ensemble pour revitaliser l’industrie des courses de chevaux en Ontario en permettant aux professionnels des chevaux de ré