Peut-on être ce chef de file national?

Inside SCoop (français)

Je débuterai cette chronique par une courte note sur les affaires de Standardbred Canada; une rencontre conjointe de trois jours des comités Réglementation et Gouvernance et Planification stratégi

Can We Be a National Leader?

Inside SCoop

I will start this column off with a quick note about Standardbred Canada business; there was a three-day joint meeting held in June of the By-Law/Governance and Strategic Planning Committees.

Assez de cette politesse!

Point de vue

Si chaque critique de cinéma que vous lisez était favorable, regarderiez-vous plus de films?


Sports Writers

Clyde Hirt Workshop

Covering a major sporting event is no easy job – but for a few days before, during, and after the Hambo, college ­students get their hands dirty as aspiring writers.



Riina Rekila

On May 23, a startling upset in an Ontario Sires Stakes Gold Final drew all eyes to the skillful horsemanship of Riina Rekila.

18 July 2024

I started this while sitting outside on my deck on Saturday afternoon, listening to the breeze softly flow through the trees, the occasional warble

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