À deux doigts du changement

Inside SCoop (français)

C’est en ce dimanche de la fin de semaine de l’Action de grâces que je rédige cette chronique, et l’odeur de la dinde qui cuit commence à embaumer la maison. Que la vie est bonne!!!

On the brink of change

Inside SCoop

I am writing this column on the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend, and the turkey smell is just starting to fill the house. Things are good!!!

Grey, notre inspiration

Point de vue

Lorsque la nouvelle du décès de Admirals Express est tombée, on aurait dit que même le plus modéré des intéressés aux coures sous harnais, avait été touché.

Our Grey Inspiration

The View

When the news recently broke that Admirals Express had passed away, it seemed like everyone even moderately interested in harness racing was touched.


Meet Big Jim

Big Jim

You may already have heard about this phenomenal two-year-old pacer, thanks in part to his recent win in the Breeders Crown.


Going Green


What can you, as the owner of a horse farm, do to reduce your environmental hoof-print? This past summer, we ­traversed the open road in search of suggestions.



Youth Intervention Outreach Program in Charlottetown

Grâce au Chef de police adjoint de Charlottetown, Gary McGuigan, une poignée de juments poulinières standardbred ont jeté les bases de nouvelles possibilités pour des ­adolescents en difficulté de sa communauté.


Reaching Out

Youth Intervention Outreach Program in Charlottetown

Thanks to Charlottetown Deputy Police Chief Gary McGuigan, a handful of standardbred ­broodmares have opened the door to new ­possibilities for troubled youth in the local ­community.

By Keith McCalmont
Photos by Alanna's Photo