On Her Game
2011 Yearling Issue
When you get down to the bare bones of the thing, a horse race is a horse race.
When you get down to the bare bones of the thing, a horse race is a horse race.
As the newly-formed Quebec Jockey Club begins its second season of racing since the devastating collapse of 2008, its blend of tradition with sensible progress may be a recipe carefully crafted to help French Canadian racing rise again
It’s that time of year again — time for horsemen to hit the road in search of their next speedy superstar.
Standardbreds are a versatile breed.
Jody Jamieson vient tout juste de gagner la coupe ‘Pepsi North America Cup’ dotée d’une bourse de 1,5 M $, qui plus est, sur sa piste locale.
Jody Jamieson has just won the $1.5 million Pepsi North America Cup over his home racetrack.