20 July 2024
Winter Racing – The Breath of Cold Air

As I was flipping through channels watching the recently concluded Sochi Winter Olympics, I landed on the image of a Nordic skier coughing just aft

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Elmer Buchanan: At The Helm

Outlook: Ontario

Elmer Buchanan, one of the three people who worked on the Horse Racing Industry Transitional Panel, was recently named Chair of the Ontario Racing Commission.


One on One with Premier Kathleen Wynne

Outlook: Ontario

Trot Magazine Editor Darryl Kaplan recently sat down for a one on one interview with Premier Kathleen Wynne to discuss her thoughts on the future of Ontario horse racing and to addres



Western Sun

Sometimes stardom is not found on the track or in the breeding shed. Sometimes it’s found in the hearts and minds of those touched by a truly special horse.


Lucky Number 13: Saulsbrook Alana

Saulsbrook Alana

Conventional wisdom, or perhaps just tradition, suggests that two-year-old fillies must be handled with extra care in their inaugural year at the races. Take it easy — not too many fast miles.


Il est à peu près temps

Cam Fella

Trente ans après sa retraite des courses de chevaux, un nouvel effort vise à faire reconnaître
« The Pacing Machine » par le Panthéon des sports canadiens.


It's About Time

Cam Fella

Thirty years after Cam Fella retired from racing, a new effort seeks to get “The Pacing Machine” recognized by Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame.

Story by Chris Lomon