
Dawn of a New Day

Natasha Day

Women hold virtually every position in harness racing, and make up a significant portion of Canada’s members.


A Man With Drive...

Trevor Henry

Canadian racing fans know Trevor Henry as one of the nation’s most aggressive and successful catch-drivers.


Une bouffée d’air frais

Equine Respiratory Health

S’il vous a été donné de passer un certain temps auprès de chevaux de course, vous avez également dû passer du temps à réfléchir à leur respiration et aux défis auxquels ils sont parfois confrontés.


A Breath of Fresh Air

Equine Respiratory Health

If you’ve spent any significant time with racehorses, you’ve spent time thinking about their breathing and the challenges they sometimes face.


Christmas At Sea

Rail Tales

A fictional Rail Tails feature on how the racetrack backstretch, for some people, is the only place where they’d consider themselves to be ‘home for the holidays’. By Bob Carson