SC Rewind: Picture Parade

SC Rewind: Picture Parade
Published: February 22, 2025 11:55 am EST

In this week's 'Rewind' Robert Smith has a group of pictures related to two different subjects as this month's version of Picture Parade. Earlier this month two special days were observed and the pictures he has chosen relate to either Valentine's Day (Feb. 14th) or Family Day (Feb. 17th). The reading audience is asked to identify as many people as you can, or at least provide a last name for each photo, all of which relate to people or families involved in the sport.

Picture Parade

#1 - Can you identify the family in this photo?

Picture Parade

#2 - Can you identify this couple in the old photo? The lady on the far right is presenting a trophy so not a family member.

Picture Parade

#3 - Can you identify the family members in this photo?

Picture Parade

#4 - Can you identify this couple in the old photo?

Picture Parade

#5 - Can you identify the family in this photo?

Picture Parade

#6 - Can you identify this couple in the old photo?

Picture Parade

#7 - Can you identify the family in this photo?

Picture Parade

#8 - Can you identify the couple in the middle of this rather old photo? They were married for at least 60 years and I can recall my wife and I being in attendance at their 60th which was combined with this gentleman's 90th birthday. Through several generations this couple's family have owned, trained and raced a number of very good horses. I decided to leave the two gentlemen at each end as they are both well known and remembered in racing circles. Include them if you wish.

Picture Parade

#9 - Can you identify the  family in this photo?

Picture Parade

#10 - Can you identify the couple in this photo?

(The correct answers will be posted here by Robert as a comment in a few days.)

Quote For The Week: "Photographs open the door to the past." - as heard on TV

Blast From The Past

This vintage photo of a racing family is probably a bit old to include in the "guessing" portion of today's Rewind but certainly worthy of inclusion.

Blast from the Past

The Fleming Family in a morning training session at Syracuse, N.Y.

A piece in the June 1938 issue of Hoof Beats read "Rarely does it occur that four members of the two minute list are grouped in speed alignment, and when such a quartet is found with a father and three sons as drivers, the occasion is novel, indeed. Such a situation is presented above, where the famous reinsman, Vic Fleming, with three of his sons, are presented up behind four horses of the select two minute roster. The place is the wet-weather track at Syracuse, N.Y., where the Fleming stable is in training, and the identity, reading from left to right, is as follows: Peter Song 2:00, Charles Fleming up; Dillon Hall, p, 2:00, Jimmy Fleming up; Calumet Evelyn 1:59 1/2 (p, 1:59 1/4), Vic Fleming up; Billy Direct, p, 3, 1:58, 'Bill' Fleming up."

The Fleming family were originally from Dundas, Ont.



Our reliable experts scored 100% again this week as they identified the folks in all 10 photos .

#1. The Hennessey family. L-R - Jordy, Gordie, Father Joe and Wally
#2. Ethel and William (Bud) Fritz with Eileen O’Brien. Photo from original O' Brien award night in1990
#3. John, George and Wm. “ Buddy” Gilmour. Note the maple leaf on the sleeve.
#4. Dorothy and William Haughton in their "younger" years
#5. The Lachance family.
#6. Nelson and Debbie White. The good looker in the middle was Armbro Nadir!
#7. The Henry family from Arthur
#8. The couple is Helen and Gordon Lawrence with Fred Goudreau (left) and Harry Eisen on the right. Photo taken at Dresden Reunion 1987
#9. The Filion family. (too numerous to list individually )
#10. Angie Stiller & husband Dr. Cal Stiller of Stonebridge fame.
Thanks to everyone that joins in.

#1. The Hennessy family.
#2. Ethel and William (Bud) Fritz with Eileen O’Brien.
#3. John, George and Wm. “ Buddy” Gilmour.
#4. Dorothy and William Haughton.
#5. The Lachance family.
#6. Nelson and Debbie White.
#7. The Henry family.
#8. The couple is Helen and Gordon Lawrence with Fred Goudreau and Harry Eisen.
#9. The Filion family.
#10. Linda and Lee DeVisser.

Jody, Gordie,Joe And Wally Hennessy.

1 Hennessey family
2 Bud & Ethel FrItz
3 Gimour family
4 Bill & Dorothy Haughton
5 Michel Lachance family
6 Nelson & Debbie White
7 Henry family
8 Fred Goudreau Dunc Campbell & wife Harry Eisen
9 Filion boys
10 Angie Stiller & husband Dr Cal Stiller

Hennesseys, Fritz, Gilmour, Haughton, Lachance, White, Henry, Goodreau, Filion, Stiller.

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