This week's 'Rewind' takes a nostalgic look back at the venerable old Greenwood Raceway located in Metropolitan Toronto. Robert Smith has gathered a bevy of old photos and recollections from this favourite spot of many veteran horse people and racing followers. It was demolished many years ago and last held racing in 1994, but the memories live on. This offering is mainly pictorial in nature to better recall the place and the people who raced there and made it so memorable.

An aerial view of the Old Greenwood racecourse that dated back to the 1800's, originally known as Woodbine Park, showing a bit of nearby Lake Ontario. It also shows that the track was located in a very built-up area of Toronto. (TPL - Toronto Public Library)
I was recently thinking as the calendar ticks down for the current year that maybe a reminiscence about good old Greenwood might be in order. It's a subject that has been covered before but after being in existence for over 120 years there is always more to cover I'm sure. I have assembled several old photos and some equally old names to add to the mix.

Above is a great view of the huge grandstand that was so often filled to capacity especially on special race days. I have no idea who the two fellows are but it does look like they have matching helmets. This might be one of the rare times when a photo of an empty Greenwood grandstand was taken. (TPL)

In 1964 the great Bret Hanover was a very welcome visitor to Greenwood. Bret was in Town to compete in the H.T.A. event which he of course won handily. He is pictured here along with owner Richard Downing on the right and OJC executive George Hendrie on the left as well as Bret's trainer and driver Frank Ervin. I was amazed to recently read that of all the great horses Mr. Ervin raced that he had trained only three sons of Adios. How fortunate was he to have the greatest one of all!

Shown in the above photo is the great horseman Ronnie Feagan who spent many of his early years racing at Greenwood. Here he is pictured in a training mile during the era when all of the top drivers also trained a large stable of horses. (TPL)

Trevor Ritchie, a recent inductee into the Canadian Horse Racing Hall Of Fame, is shown winning a race at Greenwood in the 1980's. He was part of a large group of horsemen that enjoyed huge successes at the downtown track in its heyday. This photo was taken during Number 7 Week of Champions, at one time an annual happening. (TPL)
Greenwood Turns 100

In 1975 Greenwood Raceway celebrated its 100th birthday as a racing venue. This photo shows a full house as many people dressed as they might have 100 years earlier. To mark the occasion Ontario Jockey Club Honorary President George Hendrie unveiled a plaque declaring the track an historic landmark. During the 1975 season several special events were held to commemorate the occasion including a day that included both Standardbreds and Thoroughbreds on the same card. (TPL)
Top Drivers Honoured

A group of top drivers are lined up to receive their awards from Carling's Brewery rep. Dave Groombridge on the far right. From left: Ken Galbraith, Wes Coke, Keith Waples and Ronnie Feagan are the recipients. I am not certain of the exact year this was taken but guess it would have been about 50 years ago.
Going To The Bank

In the early years when a bettor ran out of money they probably headed for home (or elsewhere). In later years a bank machine on the Greenwood premises gave a person a longer stay; I hope it was profitable! (TPL)
Quote For The Week: "Ve get too soon oldt undt too late Schmart!" - Dutch Proverb
A Short Photo Quiz

1 - Can you identify the five drivers shown in the above photo as they pass by the Greenwood toteboard single file? The names were not supplied in the original but I am sure our astute readers will be able to come up with them. (TPL)

2 - Celebrities often visited the Greenwood backstretch and the alert Publicity people who did great promotional work for the track usually took a picture of the occasion. Can you name the famous gentleman on the right and also the driver on the left. No details were provided of the outcome of this encounter. (Hoof Beats photo)

3 - Here is an oldie that dates back to the Old Woodbine days, long before it became Greenwood. Can you correctly name the winning driver and his sidekick in this photo?
Be sure to stay tuned for the correct answers during the upcoming week.
There was a guy whose name I
There was a guy whose name I can't remember but was known as Butch who use to come around the Woodbridge Fairgrounds and who had a voice like a fog horn. You could hear him in the backstretch when he yelled in the grandstand. One time when Billy Wellwood was parading a horse Butch yelled "Wellwood you couldn't drive an elephant" and when Wellwood won that race Butch yelled "Wellwood you're the best damn elephant driver in the world"!
In reply to There was a guy whose name I by ppsphil
Hey Philip.
I think I can claim that foghorn. My dad, Ron, aka Butch, was a big tracker back in the day. This is exactly like something he would yell from the stands. Or worse! LOL. Especially at Greenwood where they would walk the horses out of the holding barn around the circle to and from the track. I'm sure all the drivers would hate it when he waited there for them...
The two unknown trainers look
The two unknown trainers look like Scott Rowe and Adrian Hickey warming up for qualifiers
This week's "mystery" photos
This week's "mystery" photos drew some correct answers. Listed below are the answers along with a bit more information.
1 -The Greenwood single file photo. I did some further research and found the horse's names and tried to match them correctly. Leading the field is Good Bye Baron and driver Bud Wellwood who was the eventual winner. In the two hole was Abraham (Nelson White) , third remains a mystery but see below, fourth spot was Y L Blaze and Bill Hicks and the last horse visible was Keystone Mountain driven by Bill Wellwood. The remaining unidentified spot was one of the following 5; Crown Grant owned by Dr Haryett of London, Armbro Pompano from the Ronnie Feagan barn (not too likely a possibility) , Steady Hostess (previously driven by K James), Hu Al Frost (previously driven by R. Dean) and Duffs Choice (previously driven by Ken McElroy).
2 - An easy one with Bill Hicks and famed boxer George Foreman
3 - Driver was Levi "Jiggs" McFadden along with young son Ted. Thanks Karen for your input.
Glad the readers enjoyed the "trip" back to Greenwood.
1. Bud Wellwood, Nelson
1. Bud Wellwood, Nelson White, Jack Herbert, Bill Hicks, and Bill Wellwood.
2. Bill Hicks (left) and George Foreman (right)
3. Jiggs and Ted McFadden. Ted looks the same, just taller now.
Greenwood was by far my favourite of all racetracks. Shame, it is not still the great standardbred track it could have been.
I remember Tiny. He was in
I remember Tiny. He was in charge of paddock security when I first rubbed horses there at the 1970 summer meet.Guards often had to clear the way so we could get our horses in and out of the paddock.Once inside,the building seemed to vibrate from the nearby streetcars.Paddock staff all dressed in suits and ties and grooms all received free sandwiches and soft drinks.OJC publicity were always escorting newscasters,journalists,photographers,pro athletes and entertainers around the paddock and showing them the horses.
In reply to I remember Tiny. He was in by LSiple
Leon, I forgot about the free
Leon, I forgot about the free drinks and sandwiches. One other memory was how close you were to the public. It was more like a thoroughbred track in that sense. I recall the positive and negative yelling at the drivers as they went to parade the horses.
Thank you once again Robert
Thank you once again Robert for bringing up fond memories. Greenwood was one of my favourites. I remember being there the final year of racing and saddened to know such a great place was going to be gone. One fond memory was always talking to Tiny. Who else remembers the gentle giant?
Hey! Bryan! Keeping well?
Hey! Bryan! Keeping well? Still working? Our "star" was Mac Sennett. Five in a row after the claim!
Did you have him for us? Still keep my license, we will never have that success again.
In reply to Hey! Bryan! Keeping well? by davidgeorge
Yes, I am doing well. Out of
Yes, I am doing well. Out of the business. And, yes I did look after Mac Sennett as well!! That was crazy good luck!!! Do you have any winners circle photos of either??? Mine pretty much all got destroyed.
Best years of my life were
Best years of my life were spent winning many races working for Cal Campbell there. The closing of Greenwood still hurts all of us who experienced it from the backstretch.
I just wanted this
I just wanted this opportunity to reminisce about Greenwood. I lived in East Toronto for decades and this was my "home" track.
I am proud to say I won a PICK-4 when no-One had all four.
Thanks to Blair Burgess who won a maiden race as a driver and paid $83.00, only 3 players had even three correct. It paid OVER 5 GRAND for three right, a record that will always stand!
In reply to I just wanted this by davidgeorge
Hey Dave, it was a pleasure
Hey Dave, it was a pleasure looking after WINNING LYNN for ya!
#3 is Levi (Jiggs) McFadden
#3 is Levi (Jiggs) McFadden and his son Ted, the horse is Pierrette Eden, owned by J & C Armstrong. I am not sure of the year, 1957 or 1958
#3 Levi McFadden
#3 Levi McFadden
I miss it as it was a nice
I miss it as it was a nice track and I remember seeing the 1990 Metro Pace at it. Artsplace won it that year.
Best track ever. Great
Best track ever. Great memories and just plain good fun at the Queen St cash box. 2nd pic is George Foreman and driver William Hicks. Thinking probably Hicksy got the first Foreman grill about the same time.
Great photos. I only visited
Great photos. I only visited Greenwood once but it's always great to see these old pics.
Harold Wellwood Jr., Nelson
Harold Wellwood Jr., Nelson White, Bill Hicks is fourth and Bill Wellwood fifth. Not sure on the third one. Bill Hicks in picture 2.
By the way, Greenwood was
By the way, Greenwood was GREATEST place in the world, bar none!!
Might have got me last week
Might have got me last week Robert! I can get most of these. #1 Bud Wellwood, Nels White, this one is tough maybe Don Corbet, Billy Hicks, and Bill Wellwood. #2 Bill Hicks, George Foreman #3 Del Mactavish, Dunc Mactavish. Waiting for one magic man to respond.
Number 2 was George Foreman.
Number 2 was George Foreman. He visited Greenwood the week before his fight "Foreman vs 5" at the Gardens in 1975.