"Lasix Shouldn’t Be The Dirty ‘L-Word’" November 27, 2022 "What most anti-Lasix people are missing here is the word ‘HELPED’ -- the horsepeople used it to help their horse. It’s something that should almost be applauded and not looked down upon."
"A Horse Is A Horse Is A Horse... Of Course" October 31, 2022 "Maybe the trotters have always seemed to take a bit of a back seat to ‘The Sport Of Kings’, but I don’t really see it as an issue these days. It’s horse racing. We’re all in it together. What is good...
The Dream Team: Annie, Lynn, Iggy & Co. September 19, 2022 Trainer Annie Stoebe had never even heard of harness racing eight years ago -- she was a rodeo competitor from Montana (think Yellowstone). Owner Lynn Curry groomed Standardbreds at The Meadows in the...
"Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind" September 11, 2022 "Standardbred racing in Canada, like The Ex, was pretty much the only game in town back then - speaking in our case, about when it came to the gambling dollar. Unfortunately you’ve heard this song bef...
"We Live On In What We Leave Behind" August 22, 2022 "On Saturday, July 16, 2022, I sat with my son once again, and watched a Hollywood script unfold right in front of us as a colt from the last crop of Somebeachsomewhere won the only race his dad could...
People Person Extraordinaire August 15, 2022 In 1959, Bill Cass left his home on Cape Breton Island and hitch-hiked to Toronto - but it wasn’t to work with horses. The 18-year-old was a mechanic, and he was coming to Ontario to make a life for h...
"If It Was Only About The Money Most Of Us Wouldn’t Be Doing This" July 25, 2022 "Pebble Beach deservedly earned $500,000 with his North America Cup victory on June 18, and his connections were ecstatic. So were his fans, as well as the betting public that made him the 1-2 wagerin...
Winning Is Never Boring July 18, 2022 Noel Daley might consider himself to be a tad boring, but there’s nothing boring about winning, and that’s something that this native Australian has been good at for many years.
Horse Racing Is The Best June 30, 2022 "Racing struck it rich when Rich Strike won the 2022 Kentucky Derby and I don’t care if he’s a Thoroughbred, a Standardbred, or a buggy horse, if this tale doesn’t move you then I don’t think anything...
#LongLiveTheDream May 30, 2022 "For me, and I’m guessing for a lot of you, I was drawn in by the racetrack experience. Now I’m in -- I’m in for life. I never have to attend a track again and I’m still in for life. But we don’t need...
Canadians Dominate U.S. Media Awards January 21, 2022 Debbie Little, writing for TROT Magazine, Clive Cohen, Michael Burns and Woodbine Entertainment were among the winners of the 2020/2021 United States Harness Writers Association Media Award winners an...
Tell TROT Your 2021 Highlight December 28, 2021 The past two years have taken their toll on the world's population in general but at TROT Magazine we believe that makes it even more important to look at the glass half full once in a while....read o...