Purses To Increase For NJ Sire Stakes August 05, 2021 The New Jersey Sire Stakes Board of Trustees has announced purses will be increasing by 20 per cent for Premier Division races at the Meadowlands Racetrack for the 2022 season.
Monticello Announces Purse Increase July 30, 2021 Monticello Raceway race secretary Eric Warner announced Friday (July 30) that effective Monday (Aug. 2), purses will be increased 15 per cent across the board at the New York facility.
Meadowlands Announces Purse Increase July 23, 2021 The Meadowlands has announced a significant purse increase, starting with the next condition sheet (July 30-31).
Hoosier Park Announces Purse Increase June 18, 2021 In the light of encouraging gains from its wagering operations, officials with Harrah’s Hoosier Park Racing & Casino have announced purses will increase by approximately 10 per cent per day, effec...
Meadowlands To Increase Purses March 26, 2021 On Friday (March 26) The Meadowlands announced an across-the-board purse increase effective with its April 2 & 3 condition sheet.
Batavia To Increase Closing Week Purses December 02, 2020 Batavia Downs has announced that it will be increasing all purses by 20 per cent for the final week of racing of the 2020 meet.
Purse Increase At The Meadowlands November 07, 2020 The Meadowlands is pleased to announce that purses will be increased by 25 per cent across the board starting with the upcoming condition sheet for November 13-14.
Scioto Increases Purses August 06, 2020 Eldorado Scioto Downs has increased purses 25 per cent across the board starting with the races on Friday (Aug. 7).
Purse Increase For Garden State Trots October 12, 2019 The SBOANJ has announced that there will be a significant purse increase to both the Garden State Trot #1 and the Garden State Trot #2 based on the addition of the state-sired appropriation funding.
Purses Up At Flamboro, Western Fair April 05, 2019 The Raceway at Western Fair District and Flamboro Downs – both member tracks of Ontario Racing (OR) – have jointly announced a 10 per cent purse increase for the balance of their spring meets.
Pompano Purses Rising, Again March 28, 2019 Officials with Pompano Park have announced that purses at the Florida track are on the rise, yet again.
Meadowlands Announces Purse Hike March 23, 2019 On the next condition sheet covering March 29-30, The Meadowlands will again significantly increase the purses for overnight racing and add a payment for starters finishing out of the top five.