COSA Now Offering Benefit Coverage To All Ontario Horsepeople April 02, 2019 The Central Ontario Standardbred Association (COSA) is now offering benefit coverage to all Standardbred horsepeople in Ontario, effective April 1, 2019.
Kawartha Horsepeople Fear OHHA Loss March 09, 2019 Participants and politicians from the Peterborough area have commented on the directive from Ontario Racing to cease making administration payments to the Ontario Harness Horse Association (OHHA) at t...
Ontario Groups Meeting Tuesday March 04, 2019 The Ontario Harness Horse Association (OHHA) is pleased to inform the industry that the Central Ontario Standardbred Association (COSA), Ontario Racing (OR) and Woodbine Entertainment have accepted a ...
Winter Weather Closes OHHA Office February 27, 2019 Trot Insider has been informed that officials with the Ontario Harness Horse Association have decided to close the organization’s office in Milton today (February 27) due to the adverse winter weather...
OHHA: "Members Unite"; OR: "Future Vision" February 07, 2019 The Ontario Harness Horse Association has issued an open letter to its membership regarding the recent development that Ontario Racing has directed the Woodbine Entertainment Group to cease making adm...
OHHA Vows To Fight OR Decision February 04, 2019 Ontario horsepeople are in the fight of their lives after Ontario Racing unilaterally issued a ‘direction’ giving OHHA 60 days’ notice of their refusal to continue working with the horsepeople’s group...
OHHA Annual General Meeting Details January 31, 2019 Officials with the Ontario Harness Horse Association have issued a reminder about OHHA’s annual general meeting, which will be taking place this weekend.
OHHA Executive Committee Elected January 17, 2019 The Ontario Harness Horse Association Board of Directors met on Wednesday, January 16 to elect the officers and executive committee for 2019.
OHHA RRSP Due December 1 November 08, 2018 Due to the ongoing rotating mail strike, the Ontario Harness Horse Association suggests that if you require an application form for the Group Retirement Savings Plan or an annual contribution form, pl...
Scholarship Winners Announced November 06, 2018 The Ontario Harness Horse Association is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2018 OHHA scholarships.
Nomination, Scholarship Reminders October 09, 2018 Officials with the Ontario Harness Horse Association have issued a pair of reminders: one pertaining to this week’s director nomination due date, and another regarding to scholarship nominations, whic...
OHHA's 2018 Election Looms October 04, 2018 By now, if you are a member of the Ontario Harness Horse Association, you should have received a nomination form for the election of the Board of Directors, which will be held on Tuesday, December 11,...