Scholarship Deadline Upcoming November 05, 2015 For the tenth year in a row, the Ontario Harness Horse Association will offer college/university entrance scholarships to children of active OHHA members.
RRSP Contribution Increased For 2015 October 28, 2015 The Ontario Harness Horse Association RRSP Committee is pleased to announce that the industry funded match-up for qualified RRSP members has been increased to $1,200 for 2015.
Retired Horses Visit First Nations School September 20, 2015 This past Saturday, the Hands On Horse Program, an initiative of the Ontario Harness Horse Association, visited the residents of the Neyaashiinigmiing Reserve near Wiarton, Ontario. The Chippewas of N...
Best In Show Competition Gets Boost July 29, 2015 Since its inception in 1990, the Industry Day celebration at Grand River Raceway has been enthusiastically supported by the Ontario Harness Horse Association (OHHA).
Windsor Grandstand Demo Underway June 02, 2015 Monday, June 1 marked a sad day for harness racing fans in the Windsor, Ont. area, as demolition of Windsor Raceway’s grandstand got underway.
Still No Decision On Dresden April 16, 2015 The Ontario Racing Commission’s manager of communications, Ray Kahnert, has provided a bit of an update regarding whether there will be live harness racing at Dresden Raceway this year or not.
Hardy Looking For Answers March 25, 2015 The Sarnia Observer has run an article highlighting the upcoming season of live racing at the Hiawatha Horse Park. In the piece, Ontario Harness Horse Association President Ken Hardy rhetorically asks...
Getting “Concerned” Over Dresden March 24, 2015 Ontario Harness Horse Association General Manager Brian Tropea has said that OHHA is “concerned” about the fact that the Ontario Racing Commission has yet to issue an operator’s licence for the 2015 s...
Update For OHHA Members February 12, 2015 Last Saturday (February 7), the Ontario Harness Horse Association conducted a board meeting in the morning and its annual general meeting following in the afternoon. Both meetings were held at the Del...
OHHA Annual Membership Meeting February 03, 2015 The Ontario Harness Horse Association would like to remind its members of the association’s upcoming Annual Membership Meeting.
Lakeshore Officials To Offer Guidance January 12, 2015 It has been reported that officials with the Ontario Harness Horse Association have put the Dresden Agricultural Society in touch with the Lakeshore Horse Racing Association in an attempt to offer som...
OHHA Annual Membership Meeting January 06, 2015 Officials with the Ontario Harness Horse Association have sent out a notice in regard to its upcoming annual membership meeting.