May 15, 2019 07:33 pm EDT
For the seventh consecutive year, Standardbred Canada (SC), in collaboration with racetracks, associations and industry partners nationwide, will host National Caretaker Appreciation Day (NCAD) events from Aug. 30 to Sept. 16, 2024. Dresden Raceway held their event early, on July 7.
NCAD was launched to recognize and reward caretakers in the Standardbred industry across Canada and each year, racetracks, trainers and owners participate in the national event.
Here are the 2024 racetrack event dates:
- Clinton Raceway – Sunday, Sept. 1
- Dresden Raceway – Sunday, July 7 (Completed)
- Grand River Raceway – Friday, Sept. 6
- Hanover Raceway – Saturday, Sept. 14
- Hippodrome 3R – Sunday, Sept. 15
- Kawartha Downs – Friday, Aug. 30
- Red Shores Racetrack & Casino at the Charlottetown Driving Park – Tuesday, Sept. 10
- Red Shores at Summerside Raceway – Thursday, Sept. 12
- Rideau Carleton Raceway – Thursday, Sept. 12
- The Track On 2 – Saturday, Sept. 7
- Truro Raceway – Friday, Sept. 6
- Woodbine Mohawk Park – Friday, Sept. 6
- Leamington Raceway – Sunday, Sept. 8
Here are some ideas for owners, trainers and drivers to show appreciation to their caretakers during these dates:
- Provide refreshments such as donuts, muffins and coffee at the stable.
- Host a stable BBQ or arrange for a catered lunch.
- Give a 'thank you' card or gift card.
- Purchase a win photo of one of the horses they care for the next time it wins.
- Offer a paid day off or a bonus.

For more information, please contact Jade Regina, SC's Member & Stakeholder Relations Manager, at [email protected].