The Ohio stallion subscription for their 2022 foals to compete in the Ohio Breeders Championship as two-year-olds in 2024 and three-year-olds in 2025 is due April 15, 2023.
For the last 38 years, the Ohio Breeders Championships, raced during the Grand Circuit meet at the Delaware County Fair, have become an important series on the Ohio racing calendar.
In 2022, nearly $1 million was distributed in the OBCs thanks to the support of the Ohio Harness Horsemen’s Association.
The stallion subscription fee of one half of the stud fee charged for the year of conception (2021), minimum of $300. Stallions must have registered with the Ohio State Racing Commission and must have stood in Ohio the entire breeding season of the year the colt or filly was conceived.
For additional information, please refer to the nomination form on LittleBrownJug.com.
Conditions for nominating yearlings will be published in the USTA Stakes & Futurities Nomination Book on the USTA website.
(Little Brown Jug Society)