The horsepeople of London stepped up in a big way for one of their own recently as long time Raceway paddock employee Bobby Mitz suffered a heart attack and subsequent surgery.
The affable Mitz is a well-known figure in the paddock on race nights and is always there to greet horsepeople with a smile as they arrive to race. So, when people found out he was in need, they jumped at the chance to raise money on his behalf.
Mitz, who is recuperating well, made a visit to The Raceway on Tuesday (March 28) evening to visit with colleagues and friends who were happy to see him in his familiar environment.

The Raceway's leading driver Bob McClure (right) welcomes back longtime employee Bob Mitz to The Raceway
In addition to donations, several drivers graciously gave up a portion of their drivers’ fees last week to go toward Mitz and his recovery. In all, close to $4,000 was raised, once again demonstrating how horsepeople come together in times of need.
(The Raceway at the Western Fair District)