The Hambletonian Society, which owns and administers the $6.7 million Breeders Crown year-end championship series, has created a special stallion fee deadline that will provide eligibility to the Breeders Crown program for a limited number of North American foals by foreign stallions.
Stallion nomination has been the cornerstone of Breeders Crown eligibility since the program was created in 1983. Typically, when a stallion pays an annual stud fee plus applicable surcharges, the entire foal crop for that year is eligible. There are currently 131 stallions paid in to Breeders Crown No. 39 (breedings of 2022; foals of 2023), and they can be viewed here.
“With the increasing crossover interest in European sires, we wanted to find a way to be inclusive of those North American breeders and owners who are interested in incorporating foreign bloodlines into their programs. After much discussion, we think we have reached a fair avenue for those limited crops to participate and create even more international interest in the Crown,” said John Campbell, president and CEO of the Hambletonian Society.
The additional March 15, 2022, deadline to pay in only foreign stallions at the rate of one stud fee, will cover up to 15 North American foaled and registered offspring. Those foals would then be able to make yearling and subsequent years' payments to participate in the Crown program. Additionally, any foals by foreign stallions who are foaled and registered in North America from mares bred outside of North America (whether or not by frozen semen) may be made eligible by payment no later than March 15, in the amount of the advertised stallion fee in the jurisdiction where the stallion stands in 2022. This payment does not apply to 2023 foals that are foaled outside of North America.
The connections of legendary French trotter Face Time Bourbon have already expressed interest in making a North American crop eligible to future Breeders Crowns.
Full conditions and nomination forms can be found at hambletonian.com.
Conditions for nominating yearlings will be published in the USTA Stakes & Futurities Nomination Book. Specific conditions for the races for which these foals are eligible will be published in the USTA Stakes Guide in the year of the races. The Hambletonian Society reserves the right to add to, amend or delete the conditions of all or any part of the Breeders Crown program without liability. For more information, contact the Hambletonian Society at 609.371.2211 or hambletonian.com.
(Breeders Crown/Hambletonian Society)