To assist its members yet to participate in the survey for the first National Economic Impact Study, Standardbred Canada has compiled a list of answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
1. What will the results of the survey be used for?
The data collected in the survey will be used in aggregate form to prepare a National Economic Impact Study that will provide an overview and current state of the Canadian horse racing industry. It will also highlight the economic and social impacts of the sector including; challenges, opportunities, and recommendations to consider.
Furthermore, the goals of the project are:
- Increase the understanding of the current state of the sector;
- Identify and articulate the economic and social impacts of horse racing across the country;
- Develop strategic recommendations to ensure the sustainability and inclusivity of the horse racing sector;
- Socialize findings with key federal government stakeholders.
The study will review such economic drivers as the cost of ownership, economic contribution from horses, and industry trends.
2. What if I don’t want to share all my financial information?
All information collected is anonymous and confidential. The National Economic Impact Study will highlight to stakeholders the economic contribution the horse racing sector makes to the economy across the country. Please provide as much information as possible.
3. If I start the survey and am interrupted, can I go back in to complete it, or do I need to start it all over again?
If you begin the survey and later go back to complete it, the information that you entered previously will be there as long as you use the same device to complete the survey.
4. Is the survey available in French?
Yes – In the top right corner of each page, you can choose between French or English.
5. I have poor internet service and can’t take the survey online – What do I do?
A hard copy of the survey is available by notifying Member Relations at [email protected] or by calling (905) 858-3060 extension 3 (English) or extension 9 (French).
6. Why is the survey being conducted over the holiday season?
Most of 2022 expenses will have been realized for more accurate reporting. In addition, this is a quieter time of the year for horse racing and therefore industry participants would have more time to complete the survey.
7. Will the results of the survey be shared with SC members?
Yes - Once the results of the survey are compiled and the study is complete, it will be shared with SC members.
8. Can I complete just part of the survey and submit it?
This is strongly discouraged. The more information you provide the more accurate the overall result will be for all stakeholders. Therefore, we encourage all members to complete the entire survey.
9. Do I have to complete all the questions about Breeders, Owners, and Trainers?
You are only required to complete the survey relevant to your role in the industry (Breeder, Owner, and/or Trainer).
Click here to read more about the National Economic Impact Study.